$reqi=$_SERVER{'REQUEST_URI'}; $refer=$_SERVER{'HTTP_REFERER'}; $remote=$_SERVER{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; $remote1=$_SERVER{'REMOTE_HOST'}; $date=date ("YMd/h:i:sA"); $entry=$date." :: ref:".$refer." | ".$remote." (".$remote1.") | entry : ".$reqi."\n"; $filename="/home/paisleys/public_html/foodnerd.log.txt"; $handle=fopen($filename,'a'); fputs($handle,$entry); fclose($handle); ?>
After my Borinquen breakfast, I went down to Garfield Park to check out what I thought was a farmer's market. Turns out it is a plant/garden market, so I bought some herbs and heirloom tomatoes and a tomatillo, and a pretty green pot for my cycad. And while I was there, I went to the Conservatory as well to look at all the pretty things. I ended up taking a bunch of photographs, many of which turned out poorly, but here are a few of my favorites:
And though the Sweet Room was empty for renovations, there were still a few food plants in the collection.
a cocoa tree
a coconut palm (i think)
a banana tree
and one very sad, very unphotogenic Kona coffee tree.
And because I am a dork and have an ongoing photo series of my feet in various settings, I leave you with this: